Sabtu, 24 November 2012


·         Giving instruction is an expression for give or ask somebody or someone to do something we want.
·         Giving instruction is same with imperative sentences.
·         Giving instruction can be use for:
1.  When people ask for unknown address.
-      Turn right 1 meter on……
-      In front of ……., you walk straight 2 meters on……
-      Walk straight again 3 meters and you find out……..
-      Turn left 4 meters on…….
-      And then you turn right to………..
2.  When demonstrate a recipe of food or drink.
My favorite drink is Avocado Juice
-      You need an avocado, some sugar, milk, some ice, and a glass of mineral water. And also a blender.
-      First, peel an avocado, take the seed, and slice the avocado. Put into blender.
-      Next, mix it with 2 spoonful of sugar, milk, and a glass of mineral water.
-      Don’t forget to add some ice. And then blended it.
-      Finally, Avocado juice ready to serve. Slurp! :9
3.  When ask someone or somebody to do something that we want.
-      Open your book!                                                        - raise your hand!
-      Close the window!                                                     - wash your clothes!
-      Be quiet please!
-      Move the chair here!
-      Open the door, please!
-      Draw a circle
-      Don’t do that
-      Sit down please!
-      Come here, please!
-      Dribble the ball!
-      Wipe the sweat!
-      Don’t hit the net!
-      Kick the ball!
Another example:
Erick   : Yadi, come here please!
Yadi     : O.K. What’s up?
Erick   : help me move the table, please!
Yadi     : sure!

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